Software: Mine-mator Skill Level: Beg. In this class, older students will be introduced to basic 2D and 3D animation techniques using Minecraft characters and stages. Kids will expand their observation skills and imagination by studying motion in reality and how it influences motion in animation. Older students learn about advanced tools and techniques. Students will learn how animators work by completing a variety of short animation exercises and projects and applying basic acting theories and animation principles to scenes they create. Does your child aspire to become an animator? Sign up for this class today!
04/02/2025, 04/09/2025, 04/23/2025, 04/30/2025, 05/07/2025, 05/14/2025, 05/21/2025, 05/28/2025
Participants must currently be in grades 3 to 6.
Minimum: 8
Maximum: 12
Registration starts on 03/12/2025 and ends on 03/23/2025.
Please contact Baroody Camps, Inc if you have any questions.